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  • ms4admin


Updated: Mar 26, 2019

If you are simply looking for a way to help protect or improve your watershed or you are doing a small home improvement project that creates new impervious areas and you need to manage the stormwater that is generated, this guide can help you. *Make sure you check with the City if you are unsure if a building permit is required.

What is stormwater?

Stormwater runoff is precipitation (rain or snowmelt) that flows across the land. Stormwater may infiltrate into soil, discharge directly into streams, water bodies, or drain inlets, or evaporate back into the atmosphere. Stormwater is very important but the runoff can be harmful if we are not mindful of what goes into our stormdrains. Poor stormwater management can result in flooding, water pollution, stream bank erosion, threats to human and animal health, and more.

How can a Homeowner help?

As a homeowner, you can help avoid the problems associated with stormwater runoff. First you will want to asses where stormwater collects and flows on your property. Look at an area where your downspouts drain, where does that water pond or flow? When you determine what areas of your property generate stormwater you can then look into ways to help manage that stormwater. Here are 6 ways you can create ways to help your property's stormwater management.

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